Sunday, March 25, 2012

March Madness!!!! Today the weather is beautiful! 70+ degrees outside! Tomorrow, however, it will be in the 40's and raining! :-( I cannot complain though we have had such a mild winter! It has been wonderful! Winter is not my favorite season! Maybe someday I will get to live in a warmer climate again! :-)

Life is crazy! You spend so much time raising your children and then they grow up and get their own lives and end up living those lives....go figure!

Megan, our oldest is now living south of Portland, Oregon with her husband Devin and their little boy SJ. Dev is going to Med School there and so they are living the lives of poor students! A small price to pay for the security his education will brin them! Their beautiful little boy, SJ, is growing up so fast! We miss seing them.... Thank heaven for pictures and Skype!

Andrew is in school at UVU hoping to transfer to BYU soon. Right now he is living in Provo and really enjoying the apt. he is in. He says his room mates are awesome! Drew is hoping to go into Biochemical Engineering. Right now he has 18 credit hours and is working full time and has a girlfriend, Leah. I don't know how he balances it all!

Stephanie and her husband Drew are living the student life in Provo. Steph is attending UVU and just about done with her Associate Degree. She works at The Blindman with me and so I get to see her a lot. Her husband is at BYU in the Marriott Business school working on a degree in Finance. They are both hoping to leave this summer for an internship. The worst part for me here is that wherever they intern they will very likely move to when they are done with school.

Robbie turned sixteen a couple of months ago and is now driving..... both cars and his mother....crazy! He has been doing track. He is learning to be a poll vaulter. This is the one event on track that scares me, so of course that is what he chose. He says he loves it! I love anything that he is willing to do after school that doesn't have to do with his favorite computer game, "Minecraft". He loves this game and will play it for hours with his cousins or sisters.

Elizabeth is in 7th grade! She thinks JR High Rocks! Between the class changes, cool lunch room and the vending machines, she love not being in the Elementary School anymore. Elizabeth is getting to be quite the young lady! She is beautiful and sweet and a big help around the house! She and Allison are looking forward to cheer tryouts. Elizabeth has been able to get a back handspring and a roundoff back handspring. She is really looking good doing them!

Allison, my baby, is not so much a baby anymore. She is in 5th grade and has been having a fun year at school. She went to Clearcreek last week and had fun! Next week she will get to go to The Gateway Mall to do something called JR Biz Town. She and her classmates will get to run a town for a day. Allison is such a fun kid to have around! She is cheerful and happy and fun to be around.

Brian is running a company called Amalphi Arts. They manufacturer and sell LDS art. The have been struggling to make it in this economy. They are hoping business will pick up in April with the number of Costco shows they have scheduled! Brian also ran a half marathon again this month. He ran the "Hurty Dirty" in St George. He said it was the hardest half he has ever ran.

I have taken up Yoga! I love it! Never thought I could enjoy working out as much as I do but it is really fun. Frequently I am the youngest person in my class so I can keep up most of the time....but there are a few ladies in there who are really good and challenge me to keep up with them. Work also keeps me really busy. I work with my Dad, brothers and sister in our family business, The Blindman. We manufacture and sell window coverings and have been doing this for over 20 years. This is an industry that my family has been involved in since I was a little girl. Back in the seventies my Grandma Nora and my Dad started a drapery shop. I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to work with all of them on a daily basis.

That is a short run down on our family this month.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Our Family

This Picture was taken July 2011. We were lucky to have our whole family together! What a wonderful summer we had together! Megan Devin and SJ moved in with us for a little over a month. What fun it was to have a baby around the house again! We spent many a night walking to the park to play an intense game of soccer or we'd settle for an equally intense game of croquet in the back yard. I even recall a game or two of badmitten. Of course all evenings would be followed with roasting marshmallows.

Just a day or two after this was taken we helped Megan, Devin and SJ move to Lebanon Oregon. We towed a trailer behind our car and followed them to Oregon. What a great time we had. We stayed with them in Lebanon for a few days, driving around to see some of the sights of Oregon. What a beautiful state! Then on Saturday we attended a ceremony, there in Lebanon, where Devin received his white jacket and a welcome into the Med School. This was the start of their new adventure!